

In individual and group interviews, we record personal and collective values, as well as individual fears and needs and different perceptions of challenges and solutions. It is also important for us to get to know the company, the products and the different jobs that are interlinked with the corporate culture.

Culture Survey „Barrett Values“

Individual, as well as shared values and behavioral norms, all shape corporate culture. By employing one of the most comprehensive and detailed diagnostic tools, we assess your employees shared values, how they perceive they are lived in your company, and which values they feel should be incorporated to ensure a successful future. By comparing these ratings, the priority values and behavioral norms are identified, enabling us to specifically target and consciously cultivate them as part of a transformation program. The survey can easily be adapted to include additional company-specific values, thus enabling an assessment of how and to what extent current cultural guidelines (e.g. code of conduct) are being adopted.

Recurring assessment (e.g. annually or every two years), also allows the current status of a cultural transformation to be evaluated. We manage this culture survey as certified partners of the Barrett Values Center. It is completed  anonymously online.


Being able to assess the rather soft and diffuse factors of a corporate culture has made it possible – also for colleagues with a rather logical disposition – to gain a good introduction to the subject. The culture survey enabled us to find out which values and behaviors are important to our employees and managers and which have an impact on our current situation. The evaluations of the different divisions, as well as my personal 360-degree feedback, were not only a stepping stone into intensive dialogue with my managing director colleagues, but above all with my senior managers and employees. This has given us a deeper understanding of ourselves, each other and the factors that are key for a successful future, which I deem invaluable.

Werner Zirlik, Director of Division Media Distribution, MELO Group